Friday, October 23, 2009

:: cemilan

[No] Thanks to Raditya Dika who brought cemilan/snack back into my life ><

His favorite cemilan called Momogi Coklat which came thru my twitter time line, made me do some browsing to our nearest warungs and bought Momogi in various flavors including chocolate and cheese. Oh yeah, it's not healthy at all and it ruined my diet at once.

The momogi itself not too bad as cemilan. But the thing is, it made me realize that there's so many tasty cemilan out there. Tasty and most of it unhealthy.

I'll review it one by one, the good ones and not, and you also invited to send me your thoughts on your favorite cemilan especially cemilan you ate during office hours.

Cemilan plays an important role for us who work daily at the office [or home-office like me] as some kind of magical booster for our mood.

But remember: stay healthy!

+++ PS: kids, don't do this at home!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for liking Momogi cokelat.
