Sunday, October 25, 2009

:: kaastengels


+ Apa Kenapa
Kaastengels or cheese cookies is a special cookies which usually consumed during Lebaran or Eid Fitr time here in Jakarta. But actually nowadays we also can have it in every occasions and easily find it on nearby supermarket or any other groceries store.
In my circle of family there's only one person could do it right. She's the late Maera' beloved grand mother. Her kaastengels could give you this teary tears of happiness while you munch it in such excitement. Then you can't help it to have it more and more. Thick, cheesy and crispy at the same time you bite it. Oh, no, you don't bite it, you swallow it then crush them in your mouth for its ultimate cheesy-crumbliest taste.

For us it's so hard to find such quality other than hers. The one almost matched it is the kaastengels from Toko Menu, Bandung. It located on Jl. Trunojoyo. It's great and all. You should buy it more than one package otherwise there will be a war over it in your household.

The picture above is the kaastengels made by me, trying hard to match hers and I believe one day I can make it right.

+ Sehat Nggak Sehat
Yang jelas kalo kebanyakan bikin gendut! :)) ...too much of it and you'll have that belly for 1000 hrs in gym to shed it off ><

:: combro


+Apa Kenapa
Combro is an Indonesian traditional snack. It made of fried cassava filled with oncom spiced with some ingredients: kemangi leaves, kencur, salt and a bit of sugar.
Usually it consumed during tea time or any other relaxing time and served with small green chilly called cabe rawit.
The one shown here is the giant combros served in my house the other day. It taste delicious and made you full after take only one piece of it. Yummmoo...

+ Sehat Nggak Sehat
Combro considered as a relatively healthy snack as long as it used all fresh stuff and only fry it with the fresh cooking oil. Can't say the same thing with the combro sell on the street tho ><

Saturday, October 24, 2009

:: cemilan or snack

Cemilan or in English "snack" is:

+ a food eaten between regular meals or a light meal (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
+ a small portion of food or drink or a light meal, esp. one eaten between regular meals (Dictionary Online)

Briefly it could be ANY food or drink as long as it taken in a small portion between meals.

So, let's enjoy our cemilan today! ^_^

:: sushi tei' ocha ice cream


+ Apa Kenapa
Kalau ke Sushi Tei atau restoran Jepang manapun, kurang lengkap rasanya jika tidak mencicipi ocha atau green tea ice cream sebagai hidangan penutup. Bisa juga kita menyantapnya sebagai cemilan sore hari dengan melewatkan hidangan utamanya.
Porsi es krim di Sushi Tei ini dilengkapi dengan semacam marmalade dan bola-bola mochi tawar yang kalau digigit empuk dan kenyal.

:: pop mie goreng

+ Apa Kenapa
Setelah sukses dengan produk sebelumnya, Pop Mie mengeluarkan produk baru yang tidak kalah menarik dan menggemaskan untuk segera dicoba: POP MIE GORENG!
Cocok untuk disantap disela-sela sibuknya pekerjaan di saat-saat yang tidak memungkinkan kita menyuruh office boy/girl untuk sekedar berlari ke warung depan karena aduh mak laparnya...udah nggak tahan nih!

+ Sehat Nggak Sehat
Soal sehat nggak sehat, kayaknya sih nggak...hehe... udah instant, goreng pula! So greasy but quite yummy.

Friday, October 23, 2009

:: momogi


+ Apa Kenapa
After a huge rave from the twitter world I've rummage some of warungs nearby to get it in various flavors. Couldn't wait to know what is like.
I bought some of it: Momogi Coklat [chocolate] and Momogi Keju Swiss [Swiss Cheese]
It looks [and taste] like a Chiki in steroids: gigantic and very thick. Both taste quite ok and must've been a Chiki lover dreams which come true ...with a bit blown out in proportion.

+ Sehat Nggak Sehat
There's a NO MSG words written in every single of its wrapping sheets. I my self not sure whether it's true or not because the taste is as sinful as the MSG's ones.
You decide!

:: cemilan

[No] Thanks to Raditya Dika who brought cemilan/snack back into my life ><

His favorite cemilan called Momogi Coklat which came thru my twitter time line, made me do some browsing to our nearest warungs and bought Momogi in various flavors including chocolate and cheese. Oh yeah, it's not healthy at all and it ruined my diet at once.

The momogi itself not too bad as cemilan. But the thing is, it made me realize that there's so many tasty cemilan out there. Tasty and most of it unhealthy.

I'll review it one by one, the good ones and not, and you also invited to send me your thoughts on your favorite cemilan especially cemilan you ate during office hours.

Cemilan plays an important role for us who work daily at the office [or home-office like me] as some kind of magical booster for our mood.

But remember: stay healthy!

+++ PS: kids, don't do this at home!!