Monday, April 12, 2010

@cemilanku | APRIL 2010 - Part 01

All pictures sent by @cemilanku followers on April 2010

via @UllyN | Tahu Sumedang | 11042010

via @ely1704| Kripik Singkong Kusuka & Yogurt Cimory | 11042010

via @sichemon| Emping & Kecap | 11042010

via @litapr | Pringels' Grilled Shrimp | 11042010

via @alderina | Bakpao Kacang Tanah & Lemper | 11042010

via @wiwinwiwin | Pisang Goreng Strawberry ala Mode | 11042010

via @Nizma14 | Californian Roll at Sushi Misei, Teraskota BSD | 11042010

via @Nizma14 | Dreamland Pancake Parlour Teraskota BSD | 11042010

@cemilanku | MARCH 2010

Foto-foto kiriman followers @cemilanku pada bulan March 2010

@cemilanku | FEBRUARY 2010

Foto-foto kiriman followers @cemilanku pada bulan February 2010

@cemilanku | DECEMBER 2009

All pictures sent by @cemilanku followers on December 2009

via @piazee | Cheese Rings | 05122009

via @fisgz | Muffins | 06122009

via @felizku| Papabunz | 06122009

via @simikey | Traditional Snacks | 08122009

via @simikey | Maqui's | 14122009

via @difrinnaputri | Kripset | 22122009

@cemilanku | JANUARY 2010

Foto-foto kiriman followers @cemilanku pada bulan January 2010

@cemilanku | NOVEMBER 2009

Foto-foto kiriman followers @cemilanku pada bulan November 2009

@cemilanku | OCTOBER 2009

Foto-foto kiriman followers @cemilanku pada bulan October2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

:: aneka bakery - santa bakery

+ Apa Kenapa
This cake and bakery shop already there at Santa area from quite a long time ago. It sells an array of snacks, bread and drinks. Not only that it also served some of delicious Chinese food like fried noodles or so.
For its deliciousness we only have to pay in a very reasonable price.

Some specials snacks from this place:
+ Tahu Isi [stuffed tofu]
+ Combro [spicy stuffed fried casava]
+ Giant Arem-arem [spicy stuffed rice wrapped in banana leaf] - the size quite big enough to fulfilled your breakfast or lunch needs. Surprisingly there's a salty boiled egg inside which make it more tasty and rich.

:: TAHU ISI ::

:: COMBRO ::


Sunday, October 25, 2009

:: kaastengels


+ Apa Kenapa
Kaastengels or cheese cookies is a special cookies which usually consumed during Lebaran or Eid Fitr time here in Jakarta. But actually nowadays we also can have it in every occasions and easily find it on nearby supermarket or any other groceries store.
In my circle of family there's only one person could do it right. She's the late Maera' beloved grand mother. Her kaastengels could give you this teary tears of happiness while you munch it in such excitement. Then you can't help it to have it more and more. Thick, cheesy and crispy at the same time you bite it. Oh, no, you don't bite it, you swallow it then crush them in your mouth for its ultimate cheesy-crumbliest taste.

For us it's so hard to find such quality other than hers. The one almost matched it is the kaastengels from Toko Menu, Bandung. It located on Jl. Trunojoyo. It's great and all. You should buy it more than one package otherwise there will be a war over it in your household.

The picture above is the kaastengels made by me, trying hard to match hers and I believe one day I can make it right.

+ Sehat Nggak Sehat
Yang jelas kalo kebanyakan bikin gendut! :)) ...too much of it and you'll have that belly for 1000 hrs in gym to shed it off ><

:: combro


+Apa Kenapa
Combro is an Indonesian traditional snack. It made of fried cassava filled with oncom spiced with some ingredients: kemangi leaves, kencur, salt and a bit of sugar.
Usually it consumed during tea time or any other relaxing time and served with small green chilly called cabe rawit.
The one shown here is the giant combros served in my house the other day. It taste delicious and made you full after take only one piece of it. Yummmoo...

+ Sehat Nggak Sehat
Combro considered as a relatively healthy snack as long as it used all fresh stuff and only fry it with the fresh cooking oil. Can't say the same thing with the combro sell on the street tho ><